Greygables William Wordsworth
Wonderful William arrived in Norway late May 2017, and we love his mild friendly personality and good looks! He is a promising creme mackerel tabby white bicolour. He has passed all health screenings and has sired three litters in our cattery. William was neutered 3 Jan 2020 after a few stud services to breeder colleagues.
William ble kastrert 3. januar 2020, etter noen få paringer for oppdretterkolleger. Han er nå omplassert og lever det glade liv på Nesodden, der Westeros-katteriet startet opp i 2012, og han bor sammen med bestevenn Betzy.

5,5 months old
William er en rolig og snill hannkatt som veldig gjerne vil kose. Han er ingen stor Maine Coon, men har idealvekt på ca 6 kg. Han er glad i våtfôr og godis, og må passe vekten. Han får ikke lett floker, men røyter en del så børsting er lurt.
Pedigree and background
About William | |
Name | Greygables William Wordsworth |
Birth Date | 28 Jan 2017 |
Sire | Daddy Longtail Indigo MCO a 09 |
Dam | Greygables Reena Rose MCO e 09 23 |
Colour | Cream mackerel tabby white bicolour |
EMS code | MCO e 03 23 |
Genotype coat colour | Aa BB CC dd GG Mc(Mc) spsp Wsw Oy |
Longhair gene (M3, M4) | M3/M3 |
Blood group DNA | N/N – blood type A |
Complete inbreeding | 1,55 % |
Clones | 16,3 % |
Top 5 | 36,2 % |
Generations back to foundation | 3 |
HCM1-A31P DNA | N/N |
PK-deficiency DNA | N/N |
HCM ultrasound scan | Normal 2018-03-22, Normal 2019-03-06, Normal 2021-04-27 (4 years 3 months old), Normal 2024-06-21 (7 years 5 months old) |
HD X-ray PawPeds | Left: Normal, Right: Grade 1 (10 months old)
Left: Normal, Right: Normal (2 years old) |
HD X-ray OFA | Good (2 years old) |
Patella luxation PL | Normal |
DNA screening | MyCatDNA – Optimal Selection |
Offspring | Sire to WesterosCat G-litter, H-litter and J-litter
NO*Antelis B2 and C2-litters NO*JewelerCats A-litter |
Pedigree in the PawPeds database
William seems to be homozygous mackerel (spotted) tabby, and he can also give highwhite.
He is from a litter of 8 kittens, and he is the only one intended for breeding. Enormous thanks to breeder Sibylle at Greygables Maine Coon for once again trusting us with a precious baby from valuable lines. His sire Indigo is a second generation Maine Coon from Dutch cattery Daddy Longtail. Paternal granddam Mother of Blues is a new Foundation cat (F1) born in the Niagara Falls area in the northwest USA. William has inherited type from his maternal grandsire CascadeMtn Sam McLeod, whose parents are highly prized CFA and TICA show champions. Maternal granddam Strictly Coons Harriet is a large and well typed female, as his mother Reena.
Our cream dream boy is named after the famous English poet William Wordsworth (1770-1850) who initiated the Romantic period in English literature. The name William is also very popular in Norway, perhaps influenced by the groundbreaking TV-series SKAM. The meaning of the name is “will, desire” and “helmet, protection“.
Show Results
William is a sweet boy, but could have better typed forehead and box/chin. William will never be a show star, but he has given beautiful offspring.
Date | Club | Place | Class | Judge | Result | Comments |
14 Oct 2017 | Østfoldkatten | Rakkestad | 11 | Geir Edvartsen | EX1 | “Stor og fin, gode lengder“ |