
N-litter born 10 October 2021

Vakre Lila har endelig blitt mor, få dager før hun selv er tre år. To fine unger; en rødtabby jente og en bruntigret gutt. Vi er så fornøyd med dette kullet at vi prøver gjenta kombinasjonen sommer 2022.

Name – Navn



NO*WesterosCat Nymeria of Sunspear MCO d 22  Rødtabby Sold
NO*WesterosCat Nestor the Nobleman MCO n 23  Bruntigret Sold

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Pedigree in the PawPeds database – lenke til stamtavle


NO*WesterosCat Helaena Targaryen MCO g 23

Strictly Coons Wyatt MCO d 22

Genotype: AA dd GG Mcmc spsp wsw Oo M3/M3 Genotype: Aa DD gg mcmc spsp ww Oy
HCM scan: Normal 2019-12-10 (1 year old) HCM-scan: Normal 2021-04-27 (1 year old)
HD X-ray: Left: Normal, Right: Normal, both parents normal HD X-ray: Left: Grade 1, Right: Normal

This litter is an outcross combination, with mainly old American lines, as well as a few newer foundation.

Dette er et lavinnavlskull, med stamtavle fokusert på de amerikanske linjene i rasen, og ikke de mest vanlige europeiske.

Lila is a very pretty young lady with a wonderful coat, long frill and good ear tufts, good profile. She has a mild and very friendly temperament also. She has a large frame and good proportions.

Wyatt is a lively and talkative boy with wonderful temperament. He is a young male very much still in development, not the biggest boy, but has very strong build, good ears and nice expression. His coat is the warmest red, long with a rich frill and he is lovely, playful and sweet. It is not easy to get good photos him though …

Litter Data

PK-deficiency DNA N/N
Complete inbreeding 6,53 %
Clones 19,6 %
Top 5 48,8 %

N-litter born 10 Oct 2021

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