av Anne Marit Berge – deler av artikkelen har tidligere vært publisert i Medlemsbladet til Maine Coon-ringen i Norge
fremdeles UNDER ARBEID
NB: Det ble gjort endringer i FIFes standard i 2023 og igjen i 2024, og i TICAs standard i 2023. Dette er ikke tatt hensyn til her, ennå
De fire store forbundene FIFe, CFA, TICA og WCF har litt forskjellig standard for vår rase. Her er en detaljert sammenligning av detaljene i de forskjellige standardene og sammenligner med den aller første standarden fra 1960-årene.
- Ører
- Øyne
- Profil, nese, hake
- Hodet som helhet og poengfordeling
- Poter, ben og hale
- Kropp og proporsjoner
- Pels, farge og kondisjon
- Poengfordeling
- Oppsummering
1. Ører: Størrelse og plassering
Den første standarden sier om ører: «Ears: Large in size. Tufted, pointed and wide at base.»
Omtrentlig oversatt til norsk: Ører: stor størrelse. Tufser, spisse og brede i basen. Under «undesirable» – uønsket – skriver de «short, rounded, narrow set ears» altså korte, runde, smalt plasserte ører.
Utdrag fra dagens standarder, avsnittene som omhandler ører:
FIFe | TICA | CFA | WCF | |
General | The Maine Coon is a large breed with big ears… | |||
Shape: Large, wide at the base. Moderately pointed. Lynx-tufts are desirable. Tufts of hair in the ears extend beyond outer edges of ears.
Placement: Set high on the head with a very slight outward tilt. |
Large, wide at base with outer base set just slightly farther back than inner base. Outer base just above the level of the top of the eye. Outside edges have a very slight outward tilt that is not past eleven and one o’clock.
Moderately pointed ears appear taller due to lynx tips. Furnishings extend beyond outer edge of ear. Set fairly high on head with inner edge of ear bases no more than one ear’s width apart. Taller than the width at base but still in balance with head length. |
Shape: large, well-tufted, wide at base, tapering to appear pointed.
Set: approximately one ear’s width apart at the base; not flared. |
The ears are very large with a broad base and tapering. The ear furnishing extends beyond the outer edge of the ears, ear tufts (lynx tufts) are desirable. They are almost upright and high set. The distance between the ears is no more than an ear width. |
Penalize | Ears: Very close, set straight up. Narrow bases. Wide set, flared. |
Alle standardene starter med å beskrive ørene som store i størrelsen, og TICA-standarden understreker det med også å nevne store ører under generelt inntrykk Maine Coon skal gi. Alle er også enige om at ørebasen skal være bred.
Fasongen på øret beskrives i forskjellig grad: gradvis smalnende oppover så de ser spisse ut nevnes av alle fire. I TICA nevnes at høyden skal være noe høyere enn bredden i base.
Tufser og ørehår: I FIFe og WCF beskrives gaupetufser som ønskelig, alle viser til viktigheten av at håret inne i ørene er rikelig og stikker utenfor ørets bredde.
Plasseringen beskrives forskjellig:
FIFe – høyt på hodet. En ørebreddes avstand, noe mer hos eldre katter.
TICA – høyt på hodet med indre ørekant ikke mer enn en ørebreddes avstand. Høyere enn bredden.
CFA – omtrent en ørebreddes avstand, ikke sprikende
WCF – høyt plassert og nesten rett oppover. Ikke mer enn en ørebreddes avstand.
Vinkling: Både FIFe og TICA skriver at ørene skal ha svak vinkling utover, altså at ytre ørebase er noe lenger bak enn indre, slik at ørene ikke peker rett fram. CFA og WCF har ikke med noe om dette.
Hvilken vei skal ørene peke? TICA er mest presis med sammenligningen klokka fem på ett, og FIFe har lignende ordvalg, lett vippet utover, men uten klokkevisere som sammenligning. CFA skriver at ørene ikke skal sprike utover, og WCF vil ha dem nesten rett opp.
Andre forbund der det fins flere MCO: ACFA krever gaupetufser, og plassering med en ørebreddes avstand, GCCF vil ha plassering høyt, men med god avstand. Ellers har de begge fokus på store ører med bred base.
Det snakkes om at en del vinnerkatter de siste årene har imponerende høye ører, men dermed også mer smale i basen. Noen kaller det kaninører, og de endrer jo uttrykket til rasen ganske betraktelig fra det opprinnelige. Som vi ser av standardene er ikke forskjellene så store.
WCF har den eneste standarden som i teorien kan tolkes som at smalt plasserte ører pekende rett opp kan tillates.
Hvorfor premieres da katter med smale ører som peker rett opp? Det blir spekulasjon å forsøke svare på det, men en mulig årsak kan være det sensasjonelle og spesielle; en katt som skiller seg ut vil lettere vinne over de mer vanlige. Den opprinnelige standarden er ikke så detaljert som de moderne, men at ørene skal være brede i basen og ikke for smalt plasserte har vært med fra starten og er viktig i alle de nyere standardene også.
2. Øyne
Den første standarden sier: “Eyes: Large, round, wide set. Slightly oblique setting.”
FIFe | TICA | CFA | WCF | |
General | ||||
Eyes | Large and widely set.
Slightly oval, but not almond shaped, appear round when open.
Set slightly slanted towards the outer base of the ear.
Any colour is permitted. There is no relationship between eye- and coat colour. Clear eye colour is desirable. |
Large, slightly oval, appear round when wide open.
Outer corner of eye points toward outer base of ear. Wide-set.
Color: Any shade of green and/or gold. No relationship to coat color. Blue and odd-eyes accepted in whites and particolors. |
Large, expressive, wide set with an opened oval shape.
Slightly oblique setting with slant toward outer base of ear.
Eye color can be shades of green, gold, green-gold or copper. Blue-eyes or odd-eyes are also allowed for white or bicolor (including vans) patterned cats. |
The eyes are large, oval, set wide apart and slightly slanted.
Eye colour shall be even and corresponds with the coat colour. |
Penalize | Faults: Slanted, almond shaped | Eyes: Slanted, almond-shaped. Flat tops on openings. | DISQUALIFY:
Crossed eyes. |
3. Hodeform
FIFe | TICA | CFA | WCF | |
General | ||||
Forehead |
Profile with a gentle concave slope.
Forehead: Gently curved.
Face and nose of medium length with a square outline of the muzzle.
Distinct transition can be felt between muzzle and cheekbones. |
Profile: Gently curving forehead.
Gentle concave curve at bridge of nose flowing into a smooth nose line.
Slight nose bump allowed in kittens. |
Profile: should be proportionate to the overall length of the head and should exhibit a slight concavity when viewed in profile.
The profile should be relatively smooth and free of pronounced bumps and/or humps.
The large, massive head with straight contours appears square. Cheek bones are high. The nose is of medium length.
The profile is curved.
Chin |
Chin: Firm, in vertical alignment with nose and upper lip.
Face and nose of medium length with a square outline of the muzzle.
Chin: Wide and deep enough to complete square look of muzzle.
Firm, in line with upper lip.
Muzzle: Square.
Head: Distinct muzzle break can be seen under high prominent cheekbones. |
Muzzle/Chin: is visibly square, medium in length and blunt ended when viewed in profile. It may give the appearance of being a rectangle but should not appear to be tapering or pointed.
Length and width of the muzzle should be proportionate to the rest of the head and present a pleasant, balanced appearance. The chin should be strong, firm and in line with the upper lip and nose. When viewed in profile the chin depth should be observable and give the impression of a square, 90-degree angle. A chin lacking in depth, i.e. one that tapers from the jaw line to the lip, is not considered strong, firm or desirable.
Head: … with a squareness to the muzzle |
The muzzle is massive and square and clearly defined.
The chin is massive and solid and is in line with the upper lips and the nose.
Faults |
Faults: straight or convex profile.
Nose break Faults: Pronounced whisker pads. Round or pointed muzzle. Undershot chin. |
Profile: Straight. Roman nose.
Pronounced bump. Chin: Weak or receding, narrow, lack of depth.
Muzzle: Prominent whisker pads. |
A profile that is straight from the brow line to the tip of the nose is not acceptable, nor should the profile show signs of having a “break” or “stop.”
DISQUALIFY: Undershot chin, i.e. the front teeth (incisors) of the lower jaw overlapping or projecting beyond the front teeth of the upper jaw when the mouth is closed.
4. Hodet som helhet
FIFe | TICA | CFA | WCF | |
General | ||||
Head | Head: Medium in size, square outline.
Cheekbones high and prominent.
Face and nose of medium length …
Distinct transition between muzzle and cheekbones.
Mature males may have larger and broader heads than females. |
Shape: Broad, modified wedge.
Size in proportion to body. Slightly longer than wide.
Distinct muzzle break can be seen under high prominent cheekbones. |
HEAD SHAPE: medium in width and slightly longer in length than width with a squareness to the muzzle.
Allowance should be made for broadening in older studs.
Cheekbones high. |
The large, massive head with straight contours appears square.
Cheek bones are high.
The nose is of medium length. |
Penalize | Faults: round head | DISQUALIFY: Undershot chin, i.e. the front teeth (incisors) of the lower jaw overlapping or projecting beyond the front teeth of the upper jaw when the mouth is closed.
Opprinnelig standard: Head total 30 Head shape 20 Eye color 10 |
Head 40
General shape 25 Ears 10 Eyes 5 |
HEAD . . . . . . . . . 40
Shape . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Eyes .. . . . . . . 5 Ears . . . . . . . . 10 Muzzle and Chin 10 Profile . . . . . . .. 7 |
HEAD 30 total
Shape ………….. 15 Ears………………. 10 Eyes ……………… 5 |
Head: total 35
30 points
Eye colour 5 points |
5. Ben, poter og hale
FIFe | TICA | CFA | WCF | |
Legs |
Substantial, medium length to form a rectangle with the body. |
Legs: Medium length to form a rectangle with the body. |
LEGS and FEET: legs substantial, wide set, of medium length, and in proportion to the body. Forelegs are straight. Back legs are straight when viewed from behind. |
The medium long legs are solid and muscular. |
Paws |
Paws: Large, round and well tufted between the toes. |
Feet: Large, round and welltufted. MCP: Large, well-tufted. Additional toes allowed on either fore or hind paws or both. Paws may be mitten or patty foot. Symmetrical expression preferred. Maximum of 7 toes on any one foot. Polydactyly is a trait with variable expression and may produce anything from a single extra dew claw to extra toes on each foot. Any of these expressions are acceptable and there is no preference for more rather than fewer additional toes. Polydactyl mitten paws may appear to toe out. |
Paws large, round, well-tufted. Five toes in front; four in back. |
The paws are large, round and tufted. |
Tail |
At least as long as the body from shoulderblade to base of tail. Wide at the base, tapering to the tip; with full, flowing hair. The hair on the tail is long and always remains flowing. |
Tail: At least as long as the body. Wide at base and tapering to tip with full, flowing fur. |
TAIL: long, wide at base, and tapering. Fur long and flowing. |
The tail is long and shall reach at least to the shoulders. It is broad at the base, tapering and with flowing furnishing. |
Penalize |
Faults: Long stilty legs Short tail Polydactyl forbidden in Breeding rules. |
Tail: Short tail. |
DISQUALIFY: Kinked tail. Incorrect number of toes. |
6. Kropp og proporsjoner
FIFe |
General |
The breed of the Maine Coon is large framed with a square outline of the head, large ears, broad chest, solid bone structure, a long, hard muscled rectangular body and a long flowing tail. Good muscle tone and density give the cat the appearance of power and robustness. Size: Large |
Originally a working cat, the Maine Coon is solid, rugged, and can endure a harsh climate. A distinctive characteristic is its smooth, shaggy coat. A well proportioned and balanced appearance with no part of the cat being exaggerated. Quality should never be sacrificed for size. With an essentially amiable disposition, it has adapted to varied environments. |
Neck |
Males have a very strong muscled neck. |
NECK: medium long. |
The muscular neck is of medium length, the rib cage is broad. |
Proportions |
The body should be long, substantial bone structure. Hard muscled, powerful, broad-chested. Large framed, all parts of the body in proportion to create a rectangular appearance. Females are proportionally smaller than males. Allowance must be made for this significant differences in size. |
BODY: Torso: Large, long, substantial, rectangular, equal in breadth from shoulders to hips. Broad chest. Level back. Females may be noticeably smaller than males. Boning: Substantial. Musculature: Substantial, powerful. Standard favors the male. Allowance MUST be made for a significant size difference between the male and the female. Type should not be sacrificed for size. Breed is slow to mature. |
BODY SHAPE: muscular, broad-chested. Size medium to large. Females generally are smaller than males. The body should be long with all parts in proportion to create a well-balanced rectangular appearance with no part of the anatomy being so exaggerated as to foster weakness. Allowance should be made for slow maturation. |
The large to very large cat has a muscular, elongated and broad body. It gives an overall rectangular impression. |
Penalize |
Overall small cat Fine, light bone structure Short cobby body |
Torso: Narrow. |
DISQUALIFY: delicate bone structure. |
• Withhold CAC for finely built body. |
Points |
7. Pels og farge
FIFe |
General |
A distinctive characteristic is its smooth, shaggy coat. With an essentially amiable disposition, it has adapted to varied environments. |
Coat |
All weather coat. Dense. Short on head, shoulders and legs, becoming gradually longer down the back and sides, with long, full shaggy baggy trousers on the hind legs and belly fur. A frill is expected. Texture silky. Coat has distinct body, falling smoothly. The undercoat is soft and fine, covered by the coarse, smooth outercoat. Length of coat and density of the undercoat vary with the seasons. |
COAT: Length: Uneven; shorter on shoulders, gradually lengthening down the back and sides. Long, full, shaggy belly fur and britches. Tail fur long, full, flowing. Frontal ruff becomes more developed with age. Texture: All weather coat. A slight undercoat gives the coat body but coat still falls smoothly. Not cottony. . |
COAT: heavy and shaggy; shorter on the shoulders and longer on the stomach and britches. Frontal ruff desirable. Texture silky with coat falling smoothly. |
Except the frill, the fur on the head and the shoulders is short and becomes distinctly longer along the back and the flanks, as well as on the belly. The dense undercoat is soft and fine under the coarser, firm top coat. The dense, loosely falling top coat is water repellent and covers the back, flanks and top of the tail completely. The under parts of the body and the back of the hind legs have only undercoat. Longer furnishing on the chest is desirable, a full frill is not required. |
Colour |
All colour varieties are permitted, including all colour vareties with white; except pointed patterns and chocolate and lilac, and cinnamon and fawn. Any amount of white is allowed, i.e. a white blaze, a white locket, white chest, white on the belly, white on the paws etc. Type must always take preference over colour. |
Color: Particolors must have some white on all four feet |
Tabby pattern and mackerel pattern With white: Must have white on bib, belly, and all four paws. |
The colours chocolate and cinnamon, as well as their dilution (lilac and fawn) are not recognized in any combinations (bicolour, tricolour, tabby). The pointed pattern is also not recognized. All other colours and patterns are recognized. Any amount of white is permitted. The description of colours is listed in the general list of colours. |
Condition |
The Maine Coon should always be in good balance, condition and proportion. |
Penalize |
lack of belly shag coat of overall even length lack of any undercoat |
Coat: Lack of slight undercoat or belly shag. Overall even coat. Color: Obvious lockets. |
PENALIZE: a coat that is short or overall even. White buttons, white lockets, or white spots. Cats showing evidence of hybridization resulting in the colors chocolate, lavender, the Himalayan pattern; or unpatterned agouti on the body (i.e. Abyssinian type ticked tabby). (TICKED UNDER REVISION) Spotted pattern not allowed. |
Points |
8. Oppsummering
Fins det andre standarder enn disse fire?
Ja, britiske GCCF, amerikanske CFF og flere andre forbund som godkjenner Maine Coon har sine standarder. De fleste av dem ligner på den opprinnelige og CFA-standarden.
Bakgrunnstoff og kilder
FIFe standard MCO
CFA standard
TICA standard
WCF standard
mer …