
NO*WesterosCat Izembaro of Braavos

Izembaro was the largest boy in the litter, with strong boning and his father’s “old type” expression, and he is growing to look quite nice. He stays in the cattery.

Skjønne og tøffe Izembaro blir i oppdrettet vårt. Han er kraftig bygd selv om han ikke er så stor (ca 6,5 kg), utvikler seg fint og har en gammeltypet, bamsete look. Han er bruntabby med tydelig mønster, og er antagelig homozygot agouti. Han er en intelligent katt som gjerne vil observere før han kommer og vil kose, og kan være en skikkelig luring som finner på en del ugagn …

3,5 years old

Pedigree and background

About Izembaro
Name NO*WesterosCat Izembaro of Braavos
Birth Date 21 Dec 2018
Sire Flying Colors van de Kerselaar “Fleming” MCO n 22
Dam NO*WesterosCat Daenerys Stormborn MCO a 03 22
Colour Brown classic tabby with white
Eye Colour Yellow
EMS code MCO n 09 22
Genotype coat colour A- Dd G- mcmc spsp wsw oy
Longhair gene (M3, M4) M3/M4
Blood group DNA N/-   blood type A, can be B carrier
Genetic Diversity
Complete inbreeding 3,76 %
Clones 17,3 %
Top 5 38,8 %
Generations back to foundation 5
HCM1-A31P DNA N/N by parents
PK-deficiency DNA N/N by parents
SMA DNA N/N by parents
HCM ultrasound scan Normal 2019-12-10 (1 year old), Normal 2020-11-26 (2 y), Normal 2022-02-07 (3 years old), Normal 2024-04-09 (5 years old)
HD X-ray PawPeds Left: Normal, Right: Normal
Patella luxation PL No signs (unofficial)
DNA screening MyCatDNA if he is used for breeding

Pedigree in the PawPeds database – lenke til stamtavle


Izembaro is a mummer, an actor from Braavos, in A Song of Ice and Fire. The name is a variant of Norman-Germanic Isembard which means iron and bright or axe.


Show Results and Plans

Date Club Place Class Judge Result Comments
16 June 2019 Smaalenene Ski 12 Raymond Sætre VG1 “not typed”


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