
NO*Midgardskatten Rodrik

Rodrik bor i Oslo, og er kastrat. Han har dessverre medfødt hjertesykdom, og kunne ikke brukes i avl. Seks år gammel har han ikke merkbare symptomer, og får forhåpentligvis et langt og godt liv likevel.

1 year old, Photo: Sondre Myrhol

Pedigree and background

About Rodrik
Name NO*Midgardskatten Rodrik
Birth Date 4 Feb 2018
Sire Flying Colors van de Kerselaar MCO n 22
Dam NO*Actress’ Arizona MCO n
Colour Black
Eye Colour Orange yellow
EMS code MCO n
Genotype coat colour aa Dd Gg -mc spsp ww oy
Longhair gene (M3, M4) M4/M4
Blood group DNA N/b – B carrier
Complete inbreeding 4,21 %
Clones 19,7 %
Top 5 42,7 %
Generations back to foundation 5
PK-deficiency DNA N/N
HCM ultrasound scan HCM Mild 2019-03-06 (1 year old)
HD X-ray PawPeds Left: Normal, Right: Normal – both parents normal hips
DNA MyCatDNA by Genoscoper

Pedigree in the PawPeds database


Mother Arizona is a Lindevoll’s cat, born in Kristiansand, then moved to Bergen to be the start of Nina’s cattery. Big thanks to Nina at NO*Midgardskatten for raising this cool boy. He had a very good start in life!


Rodrik is named after the famous visigoth king. The name is ancient Germanic and means famous power, and is also known through the Viking Rurik, the founder of the Dynasty in Novgorod.


Show Results

Date Club Place Class Judge Result Comments
20 Oct 2018 Østfoldkatten Rakkestad 11 Mira Fonsén EX1 Ex size and proportions in the body. Head: Typical teenager; needs to develop muzzle. A little straight in profile. … Sweet shy boy.


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