NO*WesterosCat Gilly of the Freefolk
The third kitten in the litter is Gilly, a pretty blue-cream mackerel tabby with white – denne jenta er blåtigret skilpaddefarget med hvite poter, bryst og tegninger.
Hun er litt mindre enn sin søster Gersimi, men er en svært vakker hunnkatt med nydelige farger.
Vakre Gilly har vært under evaluering for avl, sammen med sin kullsøster Gersimi. Nå ett år gamle har vi valgt Gersimi som videre avlskatt, mens Gilly ble kastrert 24. oktober. Hun er nå flyttet sammen med niesen Kaja, fra søster Gersimis kull som hun hjalp fostre opp.
Pedigree and background
About Gilly | |
Name | NO*WesterosCat Gilly of the Freefolk |
Birth Date | 20 May 2018 |
Sire | Greygables William Wordsworth MCO e 03 23 |
Dam | NO*WesterosCat Daenerys Stormborn MCO a 03 22 |
Colour | Blue mackerel torbie with white |
Eye Colour | Orange yellow |
EMS code | MCO g 09 23 |
Genotype coat colour | AA dd GG Mcmc spsp wsw Oo |
Longhair gene (M3, M4) | M3/M3 |
Blood group DNA | N/N – blood type A |
Complete inbreeding | 4,71 % |
Clones | 19,2 % |
Top 5 | 43,7 % |
Generations back to foundation | 4 |
HCM1-A31P DNA | N/N by parents |
PK-deficiency DNA | N/N by parents |
SMA DNA | N/N by parents |
HCM ultrasound scan | Normal 3 June 2019 (1 year old) |
HD X-ray PawPeds | Left: Grade 1, Right: Grade 1 |
Patella luxation PL | |
DNA screening | MyCatDNA – Optimal Selection |
Pedigree in the PawPeds database – lenke til stamtavle
The name Gilly is known from the wildling girl in A Song of Ice and Fire, who accompanies Samwell on his travel to Oldtown. She seemed small, but is a lot stronger and smarter than first perceived. The name is derived from Gillyflower, a beautiful flower with lovely scent. In Hebrew the meaning of Gili is “my joy”.
Show Results
Date | Club | Place | Class | Judge | Result | Comments |
20 Oct 2018 | Østfoldkatten | Rakkestad | 12 | Marteinn Tausen | EX2 | “Promising size and body proportions. Head: well balanced with squarish outlines. Eyes: Ex look. Ears: Ex set to head. Rather large. Coat: Ex silky and fine. Beautiful colours and fine markings. Tail: Ex flowing, fine length. Well behaving, a bit shy today.” EX2 after her sister Gersimi |