
NO*WesterosCat Holly the Spearwife

Holly was born last, and is the smallest in the litter. At first she looked blue tabby, but after a day small cream spots also turned up. She is mackerel like her siblings, and she seems to get a good chin. We love her expression, and at the moment she is under evaluation for breeding.

Holly er en vakker blåtigret ung dame, med noen få små kremflekker på potene og ryggen. Hun har søte øretufser og et vakkert uttrykk.

Holly 16 weeks old

Pedigree and background

About Holly
Name NO*WesterosCat Holly the Spearwife
Birth Date 15 Oct 2018
Sire Greygables William Wordsworth MCO e 03 23
Dam Greygables Olenna Oldgrey MCO a 22
Colour Blue mackerel torbie
Eye Colour
EMS code MCO g 23
Genotype coat colour A- dd G- Mcmc spsp ww Oo
Longhair gene (M3, M4) M3/M3
Blood group DNA N/N – blood type A
Complete inbreeding 4,96 %
Clones 19,6 %
Top 5 44,4 %
Generations back to foundation 4
HCM1-A31P DNA N/N by parents
PK-deficiency DNA N/N by parents
SMA DNA N/N by parents
HCM ultrasound scan
HD X-ray PawPeds
Patella luxation PL
DNA screening MyCatDNA expected

Pedigree in the PawPeds database – lenke til stamtavle


Holly is named after the wildling warrior in A Song of Ice and Fire, and the name’s meaning is the tree we love for Christmas decorations.



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