
NO*WesterosCat Hodor the Hero

Hodor was the first born in this litter. He is blue mackerel tabby, and seems to get good boning.

Fine gode Hodor er den største kattungen vi har hatt her i oppdrettet, og selv om foreldrene hans ikke er spesielt store er vi spent på hvor stor han blir som voksen. Han er en god koseklump og vil gjerne sove ved siden av i sofaen.

16 weeks old

Pedigree and background


About Hodor
Name NO*WesterosCat Hodor the Hero
Birth Date 15 Oct 2018
Sire Greygables William Wordsworth MCO e 03 23
Dam Greygables Olenna Oldgrey MCO a 22
Colour Blue mackerel tabby
Eye Colour
EMS code MCO a 23
Genotype coat colour A- dd G- Mcmc spsp ww oy
Longhair gene (M3, M4) M3/M3
Blood group DNA N/N – blood type A
Complete inbreeding 4,96 %
Clones 19,6 %
Top 5 44,4 %
Generations back to foundation 4
HCM1-A31P DNA N/N by parents
PK-deficiency DNA N/N by parents
SMA DNA N/N by parents

Pedigree in the PawPeds database – lenke til stamtavle


Hodor has his name from the famous character in A Song of Ice and Fire, the half giant who turns out to be a braver hero than most. Revealing the meaning would be a serious spoiler for the book series, but the name can also be read as a variant of Haldor, Thor’s rock.



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