Summer is over

Summer is over Now the autumn winds and rains have arrived on the northwest coast, and it is time to return home. We have been in the countryside since late June, and have had a warm and relaxing summer. The three young cats have had two houses to roam, and we have seen many visitors during summer. The small ones have grown a lot, but are still kittens at heart, chasing each other and finding every opportunity to do mischief. The three neuter cats have been allowed to run free outside, and for the first time we have been presented with hunt trophies! There are apparently small mice in the woods here after all. Summer started and ended with shows, and we are happy with the results: Ski in June, Smaalenene: Suki got an excellent judgment and was Ex 1 out of 2 cats in group 4. Olenna had her debut in the show ring and got an excellent judgement with Ex1. Not bad for a low-clone cat with complete inbreeding 6,54 %! Ålesund in September, Sunnmørskatten: Suki was just over 7 months and in class 11 Junior. She again had excellent judgements both days, and was up for nominations which she lost to typed India’s niece on Saturday and a beautiful Norwegian Forest boy on Sunday. India got CACIB both days and cannot be shown again in Norway until she has a CACIB from a different country.

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PawAcademy G3 completed!

PawAcademy G3 course is finally completed! This is the third and last of the three-step education for cat lovers and breeders. It has been the most interesting and also most demanding of the three courses, which together cover reading material, tasks, and assignments over a total of 27 weeks. The third course is aimed at breeders who want to understand population genetics and how to breed with the future of the whole breed in mind. There is important material on keeping cats in groups and infectious disease – and a lot more. The course is available in English and Swedish, check the PawPeds website.   The content of the G3 course in summary: Anatomy and physiology The danger of breeding for extremes Behaviour Communication Behaviour problems Reproduction and reproduction disorders Kittens and kitten problems Colour genetics and pedigree info Population genetics Breeding for health Designing a health programme Working with health Analysing a genome Breeding and selection Evaluation systems Breeding progression Showing vs breeding Development of the breeds Keeping cats together in groups Infectious pressure Infectious diseases Teeth and oral cavity Nutrition for cat BARF Economy and selling Special project I will also thank all the knowledgeable and inspiring course leaders I have had during these three courses, and all my class mates from all over the world with all kinds of breeds: I have learnt SO much from you all!

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Welcome to our lovely Suki!

Suki 13 weeks

We have a new little girl in our house, Suki from Stockholm! Her full name is S*Acrobat’s Honeysuckle Rose and we are so grateful to Susanne who let us have her. Read more about Suki on her page.  

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Webpage redesigned!

Welcome to our new and updated website! If a few things things look strange and unfinished, it is because they are … We are still working on updates, more photos and information so remember to come back later!

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India is Champion!

CH (N) Zifina India MCO f (black tortie), born 18 Nov 2012, took her Champion title 8 February at Göteborg Raskattklubbs show in Mölndal. She was also Best in Variety out of three Maine Coons in her group.    

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Hieronymus is Grand International Premier!

GIP (N) Zifina Hieronymus Hurlumhei born 13 Jan 2012 tok his Grand International title at Västsvenska Kattklubbens show in Västra Frölunda. He was also nominated (NOM) for Best in Show and got a super judgement from Dorte Kaae. Photographer Kicki Th took his picture:  

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